Sorry, what was that?

Downtown St. John’s

I love all the artwork downtown. There seems to be a new one popping up here or there every once in a while. All the different styles co-existing in the same area makes each piece seem even more unique.
As I was taking this photo in an alleyway made of mostly stairs I heard someone yelling, I looked up and saw a man slowly coming down the stairs with his arms full of boxes.
Was he talking to me?
I had no idea as the noise of the traffic, the wind, the echo of every single noise bouncing around the alley made his words unrecognizable.  I turned back to take some more angled shots. As he came closer I realized he was trying to talk to me. This lead to an awkward exchange with me asking him to repeat himself several times. It’s instances like this that makes me so anxious out in public, I think my biggest fear is someone thinking I’m stuck up or ignoring them but really I just have no idea they are talking to me.

I know the fear is kinda foolish but I can’t help it. It’s all part of being hard of hearing.

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