Sorry, what was that?

I love all the artwork downtown. There seems to be a new one popping up here or there every once in a while. All the different styles co-existing in the same area makes each piece seem even more unique.As I was taking this photo in an alleyway made of mostly stairs I heard someone yelling,Continue reading “Sorry, what was that?”

Up up up we go!

Our first full day started with the dull sounds of the city outside our hotel room windows. the faint sounds of car horns, buses and emergency vehicles with their sirens was a constant low mumble in the background of everything we did while in that room. We quickly got dressed and headed out. Our planContinue reading “Up up up we go!”

Take me to the city!

I guess all travel has some sort of planning. Even those last minute ones. The trip I took could be classified as one depending on who you ask. My partner and I were chatting and he happened to look up some prices to fly to some places we have both talked about going some day.Continue reading “Take me to the city!”

Let talk about flying

Simply put, I hate it. Especially the take off part. When I was a kid I remember a show about plane crashes. It was hosted by Julia Anderson from The X Files. It was a very dark, serious show that talked about some famous crashes and incidents. Then it talked about what to do duringContinue reading “Let talk about flying”

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